2006年发表论文统计表 -开云棋牌官网


序号 论文题目 期刊名称 complex genetic networks underlying the defensive system of rice (oryza sativa l.) to xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. proc.natl.acad. sci. usa.2006,103:7994-7999 promoter mutations of an essential gene for pollen development results in disease resistance in rice. gene and development.2006,20:1250-1255 molecular tagging of a novel stripe rust resistance gene yrzh84 in chinese wheat line zhou 8425b theor appl genet.2006,112:1098-1103 molecular mapping of strip rust resistance gene yrch42 in chinese wheat cultivar chuanmai 42 and its allelism with yr 24 and yr 26 theor appl genet.2006,112:1434-1440 characterization of three low-molecular weight glu-d3 subunit genes in common wheat theor appl genet.2006,113:1247-1259 deveopment, utilization of introgression lines using a synthetic wheat as donor theor appl genet.2006,112:1360-1373 molecular and biochemical characterization of puroindoline a and b alleles in chinese landraces and historical cultivars theor appl genet.2006,112:400-409 qtl analysis for rice grain length and fine mapping of an identified qtl with stable and major effects theor appl genet.2006,112:1258-1270 qtls influencing panicle size detected in two reciprocal introgressive line (il) populations in rice (oryza sativa l.). theor appl genet.2006,112:648-656 targeting the complete recessive gene, xa13, for bacterial blight resistance to a 14.8-kb dna fragment in rice. theor appl genet.2006,112:455-461 molecular and biochemical characteriza- tion of puroindoline a and b alleles in chinese wheat landraces and historical cultivars theor appl genet.2006,112:400-409 genotyic differeces in photosnthesis and dynamic characteristics of npq in maize asian journal of plant science.2006,5(4):709-712 effect of the puroindoline locus and environment on chinese fresh noodle texture australian journal of agricultural research.2006,57:537-542 pattem analysis on protein properties of chinese and cimmyt spring wheat cultivars sown in china and cimmyt australian journal of agricultural sciences.2006, 57:811-822 genetic diversity within oryza rufipogon germplasms preserved in chinese field gene banks of wild rice as revealed by microsatellite markers biodiversity and conservation.2006,15:4059-4077 evolution of plant microrna gene families cell research.2006,17:212-218 quantitative analysis of fat content in rice by near infrared spectroscopy (nirs) technique cereal chemistry.2006,83(4):402-406 genetic variation for way protein and starch properties in chinese winter wheats cereal research communication.2006,34(2-3):1145-1151 establishment of a highly efficient regeneration system for in vitro culture of young spikes in wheat. chinese journal of agricultural biotechnology.2006,3(2):147-154 genetic contribution of foreign germplasm to elite chinese soybean (glycine max) cultivars revealed by ssr markers chinese science bulletin.2006,51(9):1078-1084 genetic diversity of chinese cultivated soybean revealed by ssr markers crop science.2006,46:1032-1038 postflowering photoperiod regulates vegetative growth and reproductive development of soybean environmental and experimental botany.2006,55(1-2):120-129 pattern analysis on grain yield performance of chinese and cimmyt spring wheat cultivars sown in china and cimmyt euphytica.2006,147:409-420 distribution of the rht-b1b, rht-d1b and rht-8 reduced height genes in autumn-sown chinese wheats detected by molecular markers euphytica.2006,152:109-116 microsatellite marker identification of a triticum aestivum–aegilops umbellulata substitution line with powdery mildew resistance euphytica.2006,150:149-153 establishment of chinese soybean (glycine max) core collections with agronomic traits and ssr markers euphytica.2006,151:215-223 identification of quantitative trait loci associated with aluminum tolerance in rice (oryza sativa l.) euphytica.2006,150 (1-2):37-45 homologous analysis of ssr-ests and transferability of wheat ssr-estmarkers across barley, rice and maize euphytica.2006,151:87-93 identification of a new hybrid sterility gene in rice (oryza sativa l.) euphytica.2006,151:331-337 molecular cytogenetic characterization of wheat-thinopyrum ponticum translocations bearing blue-grained gene(s) induced by r-ray euphytica.2006,152:51-60 analysis of qtls for seed low temperature germinability and anoxia germinability in rice (oryza sativa l.) field crop research.2006,98:68-75 hidden diversity for abiotic and biotic stress tolerances in the primary gene pool of rice revealed by a large backcross breeding program field crops research.2006,97:66–76 improvement of rice drought tolerance through backcross breeding: evaluation of donors and results from drought nurseries field crops research.2006,97:77–86 genome-wide analysis of the mads-box gene family in populus trichocarpa gene.2006,378:84-94 qtl mapping of grain length in rice (oryza sativa l.) using chromosome segment substitution lines genetical research.2006,88:93-104 an approach for isolating high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes using monoclonal antibodies. genome.2006,49(2):181-189 mapping quantitative trait loci for post-anthesis dry matter accumulation in wheat. j integr plant bio.2006,l48(8):938-944 y-type gene specific markers for enhanced discrimination of high molecular weight glutenin alleles at the glu-1 locus in hexaploid wheat journal of cereal science.2006,43:94-101 identification of novel secaloine-a and secaloine-b alleles in cimmyt hexaploid triticale lines journal of cereal science.2006,43:378-386 puroindoline grain hardness alleles in cimmyt bread wheat germplasm journal of cereal science.2006,44:86-92 identification and mapping of two new genes conferring resistance to powdery mildew from aegilops tauschii (coss.) schmal journal of integra- tive plant biology 2006,48(10):1204- 1209 cloning of a potato proteinase inhibitor gene pinii-2x from diploid potato (solanum phurejia) and transgenic investigation of its potential to confer insect resistance in rice journal of integra- tive plant biology.2006,48(6):732-739 isolation and characterization of gmsty1, a novel gene encoding a dual-specificity protein kinase in soybean (glycine max l.) journal of integrative plant biology.2006,48:857-866 genotyping the heading date of male-sterile line ii-32a journal of intergra- tive plant biology.2006,48(4): 440-446 genetic diversity of soybean and the stablishment of a core collection focused on resistance to soybean cyst nematode journal of intergra- tive plant biology.2006,48(6): 722-731 genetic relationships among cimmyt subtropical qpm and chinese maize inbred lines based on ssrs maydica.2006,3:543-549 a paracentric inversion suppresses genetic recombination at floral organ number3 (fon3) locus with break points corresponding to two sequence gaps on rice (oryza sativa l.) chromosome 11l. mol. gen. genomics.2006,277:263-272 testifying the rice bacterial blight resistance gene xa5 by genetic complementation and further analyzing xa5 (xa5) in comparison with its homolog tfiiaγ1 mol. gen. genomics.2006,275:3254-366 linked vs. unlinked markers: multilocus microsatellite haplotype-sharing as a tool to estimate gene flow and introgressionublishing ltd molecular ecology.2006,54:68-72 quantitative trait loci mapping for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in bread wheat phytopathology.2006,96 (7):784-789 mapping qtls for nitrogen uptake in relation to the early growth of wheat (triticum aestivum l.). plant and soil.2006,284:73-84 qtl analysis of aluminum resistance in rice (oryza sativa l.) plant and soil.2006,287:375-383 correlation between as1 gene expression and seed protein contents in different soybean (glycine max [l.] merr.) cultivars plant biology.2006,8:271-276 identification of wheat - thinopyrum intermedium 2ai-2 ditelosomic addition and substitution lines with resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus plant breeding.2006,125:114-119 seedling and slow rusting resistance to stripe rust in chinese common wheats plant disease.2006,90(10):1302-1312 flow sorting of wheat chromosome arms from the ditelosomic line 7bl plant molecular biology reporter.2006,24:23-31 efficient agrobacterium-mediated transformation of rice using pmi/mannose selection system plant molecular biology reporter.2006,24(3):1-9 genetic dissection of silicon uptake ability in rice (oryza sativa l.) plant science.2006,171:441-448 genetic dissection of the seed dormancy trait in cultivated rice (oryza sativa l.) plant science.2006,170:786-792 tonoplast located gmclc1 and gmnhx1 from soybean enhance salt tolerance in transgenic bright yellow (by)-2 cells plant, cell and environment.2006,29:1122-1137 in situ expression of the gmnmh7 gene is photoperiod-dependent in a unique soybean (glycine max [l.] merr.) flowering reversion system planta.2006,223:725-735 genetic diversity in chinese modern varieties revealed by microsatellite markers. serious c life science.2006,49(3):218-226 genetic and qtl analysis for low-temperature vigor of germination in rice acta genetica sinica.2006,33(11):998-1006 普通小麦籽粒素含量的qtl分析 作物学报..2006,32(1):41-45 普通小麦白粉病成株抗性的qtl分析 作物学报..2006,32(2):197-202 rubisco小亚基前体蛋白pressu的互作蛋白分析 作物学报..2006,32(5):762-765 用sts标记检测春化基因vrn-a1在中国小麦中的分布 作物学报..2006,32(7):1038-1043 puroindoline基因对春小麦磨粉及馒头和面条品质的影响 作物学报.2006,32(7):980-986 cimmyt普通春小麦品种waxy蛋白及淀粉特性研究 作物学报.2006,32(7):1071-1075 普通小麦面筋强度早代选择研究 作物学报.2006,32(11):1663-1670 1bl/1rs易位对小麦产量性状和白粉病抗性的影响及其qtl分析 作物学报.2006,32(11):1636-1641 小麦指纹图谱数据库的建立及ssr分子标记试剂盒的研发 作物学报.2006,32(12):1771-1778 春播小麦醇溶蛋白组成及其对品质性状的影响 作物学报.2006,32(12):1796-1801 施氮量对不同强筋小麦产量和加工品质的影响 作物学报.2006,32(5):723-727 不同试点氮肥水平对强筋小麦加工品质性状及其稳定性的影响 作物学报.2006,32(10):1498-1502 不同生长环境下水稻结实率数量性状位点的检测 作物学报.2006,32(7):1024-1030 玉米秸秆还田与不同耕作方式下影响小麦出苗的因素 作物学报.2006,32(3):463-465 基于全长cdna序列的小麦csnp发掘 作物学报.2006,32(12):1836 -1840 水稻谷蛋白的一个新基因的克隆及表达 作物学报.2006,7(27):940-943 作物分子设计育种 作物学报.2006,32(3):455-462 genome-wide survey of loci for pollen sterility as a potential factor to destabilize indica-japonica hybrids in rice (oryza sativa l.) 作物学报.2006,32(4):515-521 利用cssl 群体研究稻米ac 和pc 相关qtl 表达稳定性 作物学报.2006,32(1):14-19 应用近红外光谱技术分析稻米蛋白质含量 作物学报.2006,32(5):709-715 detection of qtls for resistance to rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper in rice (oryza sativa l.) 作物学报.2006,32(6):805-810 论作物高产挖潜补偿机制 作物学报.2006,32(10):1566-1572 钙对拟南芥耐盐性的调节 作物学报.2006,32(11):1706-1711 水稻远缘杂交后代的耐强光和抗光氧化特性 作物学报.2006,32(12):1913-1916 转bt基因棉bt蛋白的亚细胞结构定位 作物学报.2006,32(12):1924-1926 小麦胚休眠中aba信号转导的蛋白质组分析 作物学报.2006,5:690-697 中国小麦品种穗发芽抗性差异的研究 作物学报.2006,4:580-587 利用大豆核心种质部分样本鉴定28k和30k过敏蛋白缺失材料 作物学报.2006,32(3):324-32 用机器视觉技术获取棉花叶片叶绿素浓度 作物学报.2006,32(1):34-40 基于穗层反射光谱的小麦籽粒蛋白质含量监测的研究 作物学报.2006,32(2):232-236 棉花产量遥感预测的l-y模型构建 作物学报.2006,32(6):840-844 tamyb2-ⅱ基因在普通小麦(triticum aestivum l.)及其近缘种中的单核苷酸多态性分析 作物学报.2006,32(12):1809 -1816 小麦多基因聚合体yw24的改良与利用 作物学报.2006,32(5):645-649 应用gish与sts标记鉴定小麦-中间偃麦草抗黄矮病端体系 作物学报.2006,32(12):1855-1859 水稻孕穗期耐热性qtls分析 作物学报.2006,32(5):640-644 水稻白叶枯病数量抗性座位定位及其小种专化性 作物学报.2006,32(11):1611-1617 空间环境和地面γ辐照对水稻诱变的差异 作物学报.2006,32(7):1006-1010 水稻抗白叶枯病基因xa23的rflp标记定位及其sts标记的转化 作物学报.2006,32(6):931-935 分子标记辅助选择xa23基因培育杂交稻抗白叶枯病恢复系 作物学报.2006,32(10):1423-1429 qtl analysis of some agronomic traits in rice under different growing environments scientia agricultura sinica.2006,5(1):15-22 mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci controlling seed dormancy in rice scientia agricultura sinica.2006,4(5):321-328 expression analysis of hmw-gs 1bx14 and 1by15 in wheat varieties and transgenic research of 1by15 gene scientia agricultura sinica.2006,5:725-735 a comparative study on mutagenic effects of space flight and irradiation of γ-rays on rice scientia agricultura sinica.2006,5(11):101- 105 analysis on the dwarfing genees in zhepi 1 and aizao 3: two dwarfing gene donors in barley breeding in china scientia agricultura sinica.2006,5(9):643-647 molecular mapping of two novel stripe rust resistant genes yrtp1 and yrtp2 in a-3 derived from triticum aestivum×thinopyrum ponticum. scientia agricultura sinica.2006,5:483-490 利用ssr标记分析27个玉米群体的遗传关系 中国农业科学.2006,39:1102-1113 国家种质库保存小麦种质基寄藏真菌检测 中国农业科学.2006,39(10):2016-2022 水稻籽粒微量元素含量的遗传研究进展 中国农业科学.2006,39(10):1947-1955 用等位基因特异pcr检测普通小麦的单核苷酸多态性 中国农业科学.2006,39(7):1313-1320 普通小麦(t.aestivum l.)不同作图群体抽穗期qtl分析 中国农业科学.2006,39(11):2186-2193 选择牵连效应分析:发掘重要基因的新思路 中国农业科学.2006,39(8):1526-1535 a-3中抗条锈新基因yrtp1和yrtp2的分子标记定位分析. 中国农业科学.2006,39(1):10-17 水稻种子休眠性基因的分子定位研究 中国农业科学.2006,38(4):650-656 水稻空间搭载与地面γ辐照诱变效应的比较研究 中国农业科学.2006,39 (7):1306-1312 国家作物种质库长期贮藏的高粱种子生活力监测研究 中国农业科学.2006,39 (11):2374-2378 cimmyt人工合成小麦与普通小麦杂交后代籽粒硬度puroindoline基因等位变异检测 中国农业科学. 2006,39(3):440-447 cimmyt小麦在中国春麦区的适应性分析 中国农业科学. 2006,39(4):655-663 中国小麦品种品质评价体系建立与分子改良技术研究 中国农业科学. 2006,39(6):1091-1101 转外源puroindoline基因小麦的获得与检测 中国农业科学. 2006,39(9):1751-1755 小麦品种百农64的慢白粉病qtl分析 中国农业科学. 2006,39(10):1956-1961 cimmyt小麦的puroindoline基因型的进一步鉴定与分析 中国农业科学. 2006,39(8):1518-1525 利用cdna-aflp 技术分离与小麦耐盐性相关cdna片段及基因的可行性研究 中国农业科学.2006,39(9):1736-1742 利用分子标记解析小麦新种质yw243的抗锈病基因 中国农业科学.2006,39(2):295-299 几种全长cdna文库构建方法比较 遗传.2006,28(7):865-873 不同启动子驱动下马铃薯蛋白酶pin ⅱ转基因水稻的遗传、表达和对粘虫抗性分析 遗传.2006,28 (3):261-267 pib 基因启动子及其诱导启动性初探 遗传.2006,28 (6):689-694 大豆过敏原与低过敏原种质创新 遗传.2006,28(8):1043-105 绥农14及其系谱亲本的遗传多样性及重组分析 遗传.2006,28(11):1421-1427 f-box 蛋白质在植物生长发育中的功能 遗传.2006,28:1337-1342 ssr mapping and marker assisted selection of a brown planthopper resistance gene bph2 in rice 遗传学报.2006,33(8):717- 723 ssr mapping of brown planthopper resistance gene bph9 in kaharamana, an indica rice (oryza sativa l.) 遗传学报.2006,33(3):262-268 高梁幼苗水分胁迫诱导表达差异cdna的研究 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(3):277-283 国外大豆种质资源的基因挖掘利用现状与展望 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(1):1-6 大豆疫霉根腐病抗源筛选 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(1):24-30 普通菜豆抗炭疽病基因鉴定与分子标记 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(1):95-99 水稻发芽期和幼苗前期耐碱性的鉴定方法研究 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(1):74-80 植物基因功能鉴定新工具-病毒诱导基因沉默技术的研究进展 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(1):100-105 苦荞种质资源遗传多样性的issr分析 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(2):159-164 水稻花色苷含量的遗传研究进展 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(2):239-245 水稻不同基因型耐低氮能力差异评价 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(3):316-320 高梁幼苗水分胁迫诱导表达差异cdna的研究 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(3):277-283 小麦种质对麦长管蚜的抗性鉴定与评价 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(3):297-300 渗透胁迫下水稻种子萌发特性及抗旱性鉴定指标研究 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(4):421-426 中国绿豆种质资源遗传多样性 植物遗传资源学报.2006,7(4):459~463 缺失kunitz胰蛋白酶和脂肪氧化酶2的大豆新品种中黄31的选育 中国油料作物学报.2006,28(2):210-213 菜豆干种子中菜豆普通花叶病毒的rt-pcr检测 植物保护学报.2006,33(4):345-350 控制水稻种子休眠和抽穗期的数量基因位点 南京农业大学学报.2006,29(1):1-6 利用回交重组自交系群体检测水稻苗期耐冷性基因座 南京农业大学学报.2006,29(2):123-126 pib基因编码区功能的转基因初步鉴定 南京农业大学学报.2006,29(3):1-5 2种大豆总rna 提取方法的改良 西北农林科技大学学报.2006,34(12):73-86 玉米疯顶病的传播与防治研究 新疆农业大学学报.2006,29(3):42-45 高能混合粒子场辐照小麦m1代变异的ssr分析 核农学报.2006,20(3):165-168 高有机质土壤条件下施氮对强筋小麦产量及品质的影响 麦类作物学报.2006,26(6):60-64 施氮量对冬小麦子粒蛋白质组分含量和比例的影响 麦类作物学报.2006,26(6):65-69 小麦不同外植体离体培养及转化效率的比较研究 麦类作物学报.2006,26(1):26-30 小麦est数据批量分析平台的构建与应用 麦类作物学报.2006,26(3):146-151 细菌人工染色体(bac)文库及其在小麦中的应用 麦类作物学报.2006,26(3):159-163 我国小麦品质现状分析 麦类作物学报.2006,26(6):46-49 小麦不同外植体的组织培养效果研究 麦类作物学报.2006,26(1):21-25 小麦慢病性的遗传育种研究进展 麦类作物学报.2006,26(1):129-134 国际小麦育种趋势分析 麦类作物学报.2006,26(2):154-156 基因枪法介导人工合成rs-afp基因的转基因小麦获得和检测 麦类作物学报.2006,26(4):15-19 优质高产大豆育种的研究 大豆科学.2006,125(3):205-211 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